在KY 55 Bypass的高速坠毁造成一名二年级学生死亡,另有四人受伤;司机因醉酒驾车被捕。 A high-speed crash on KY 55 Bypass killed a second-grader and injured four others; the driver was arrested for drunk driving.
Adair县KY 55 Bypass发生致命事故,造成一名二年级学生死亡,另有四人受伤。 A fatal accident occurred on KY 55 Bypass in Adair County, resulting in the death of a second-grader and injuries to four others. 46岁的Joel Hammack正高速驾驶,当时他的汽车撞到另一辆车的后部,使其翻转。 Joel Hammack, 46, was driving at high speed when his vehicle hit the rear of another car, causing it to overturn. Hammack被捕,被控在酒精和多起袭击指控的影响下,犯有车辆杀人罪。 Hammack was arrested and charged with vehicular homicide under the influence of alcohol and multiple assault charges. 他的乘客Walter Nichols也因攻击急救人员和扰乱秩序而被捕。 His passenger, Walter Nichols, was also arrested for assaulting first responders and disorderly conduct.