在Corbin州75号州际公路发生2次车祸,造成未成年人死亡和另一人受伤。 2-car crash on Interstate 75 in Corbin results in minor's death and another's injury.
星期天晚上,Corbin75号州际公路发生两车撞车事件,造成一名未成年人死亡,另一人重伤。 On Sunday night, a two-car crash on Interstate 75 in Corbin resulted in the death of a minor and a serious injury to another individual. 两名受害者都被送往医院,但该少年因伤势过重而死亡。 Both victims were transported to the hospital, but the juvenile succumbed to their injuries. 肯塔基州警察局11号正在领导正在进行的调查和事故重建。 The Kentucky State Police Post 11 is currently leading the ongoing investigation and accident reconstruction.