明尼苏达州的天然气价格每加仑2.88美元,上涨5.9美分,全国平均价格也上升。 Gas prices in Minnesota hit $2.88 per gallon, up 5.9 cents, as national averages also rise.
明尼苏达州煤气价格连续第二周上涨,上涨5.9美分,平均每加仑2.88美元。 Gas prices in Minnesota have risen for the second week in a row, increasing by 5.9 cents to an average of $2.88 per gallon. 从全国来看,汽油价格也上涨了3.1美分,平均每加仑3.01美元。 Nationally, gasoline prices have also gone up by 3.1 cents, averaging $3.01 per gallon. 全国柴油平均价格上涨0.6美分,现在为每加仑3.47美元。 The national average price of diesel has increased by 0.6 cents, now at $3.47 per gallon.