GangaGen收到7.9M美元,用于开发Klebicins,这是抗药细菌的一种新的肺炎治疗方法。 GangaGen receives $7.9M to develop Klebicins, a new pneumonia treatment for drug-resistant bacteria.
GangaGen是一家生物技术公司,已收到CARB-X提供的790万美元,用于进一步发展其Klebicins,这是抗药性Klebsiella肺炎引起的肺炎的新治疗方法。 GangaGen, a biotech firm, has received $7.9 million from CARB-X to further develop its Klebicins, a new treatment for pneumonia caused by drug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. 这笔资金支持临床前测试,旨在展示人类使用的安全性。 This funding supports pre-clinical testing and aims to demonstrate safety for human use. Klebicins针对这种抗药性病原体而不伤害微生物,处理全球、特别是中低收入国家的重大健康问题。 Klebicins target this resistant pathogen without harming the microbiome, addressing a significant health issue globally, especially in low- and middle-income countries.