德里将私立学校EWS配额的收入门槛从2.5千瓦提高到5千瓦。 Delhi raises income threshold for EWS quota in private schools from ₹2.5 lakh to ₹5 lakh.
德里副总督 V. K. Delhi's Lieutenant Governor, V.K. Saxena已批准将经济弱小区学生的年收入门槛从2.5万瓦提高到5万瓦。 Saxena, has approved raising the annual income threshold for students in the Economically Weaker Section (EWS) quota from ₹2.5 lakh to ₹5 lakh for admissions to private schools. 根据德里高等法院的一项指令,这项决定将使更多的保留类别和一般类别的学生能够接受私立学校教育。 This decision, following a directive from the Delhi High Court, will allow more students from both reserved and general categories to access private school education.