印度理工学院为保留类别提供了费用优惠和较低的截止额, 以提高获得机会和促进社会公平. IITs introduce fee concessions and lower cut-offs for reserved categories to enhance access and promote social equity.
印度理工学院正在实行收费优惠,降低保留类别学生的截止分数。 Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) are introducing fee concessions and lowering cut-off marks for students from reserved categories. 这些措施旨在增加经济处境不利和边缘化群体获得优质教育的机会,促进印度竞争性教育制度的社会公平。 These measures aim to enhance access to quality education for economically disadvantaged and marginalized groups, promoting social equity in India's competitive education system. 这些举措反映了信息技术机构承诺为高等教育提供平等机会和减少财政障碍。 The initiatives reflect the IITs' commitment to providing equal opportunities and reducing financial barriers for higher education.