Daegu计划揭幕Park Chung-hee(Park Chung-hee)的雕像, Park Chung-hee(Park Chung-hee)是一位分裂的前总统, Daegu plans to unveil a statue of Park Chung-hee, a divisive former president, despite protests.
南韩大邱市计划揭幕前总统朴正熙(Park Chung-hee)的雕像。 The city of Daegu in South Korea plans to unveil a statue of former President Park Chung-hee, a controversial figure whose 18-year rule ended with his assassination in 1979. 保守派赞扬朴槿惠促进经济增长,而自由派则批评他的威权统治和侵犯人权。 While conservatives praise Park for boosting economic growth, liberals criticize his authoritarian rule and human rights abuses. 尽管韩国国家铁路提出抗议和法律挑战, 但大市政府在2018年颁布的法令的支持下, 继续进行安装. Despite protests and a legal challenge from the Korea National Railway, the Daegu city government, backed by a 2018 ordinance, proceeds with the installation.