圣诞节前夕,伊莉丝·李特的婴儿马赛尔 出生于危急状态,因为缺氧。 On Christmas Eve, Elise Little's baby, Marcel, was born in critical condition due to oxygen deprivation.
在圣诞节前夕,Elise Little,37周怀孕,在出血和收缩后匆匆赶往堪培拉医院。 On Christmas Eve, Elise Little, 37 weeks pregnant, rushed to the Canberra Hospital after experiencing bleeding and contractions. 她的宝宝Marcel 生来蓝蓝 午夜时没有呼吸 Her baby, Marcel, was born blue and not breathing at midnight. 由于缺氧,Marcel被诊断患有缺氧性缺氧性化学脑病(HIE),立即接受了胸部压缩和插管治疗,并被放在冷却垫上。 Diagnosed with Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) due to oxygen deprivation, Marcel was immediately treated with chest compressions, intubation, and placed on a cooling mat. Marcel的父母Elise和Guy在面对包括缴获毒品在内的严重风险时,忙于就婴儿的未来做出艰难决定,在他们的信仰中找到了安慰。 Facing severe risks including seizures, Marcel's parents, Elise and Guy, grappled with the tough decisions about their baby's future, finding solace in their faith.