加拿大竞争局发布了准则草案,以澄清禁止洗绿的新规则,要求公司证实环境索赔。 Canada's Competition Bureau releases draft guidelines to clarify new rules against greenwashing, requiring firms to substantiate environmental claims.
加拿大竞争局发布了准则草案,以澄清6月颁布的新的绿化规则。 The Canadian Competition Bureau has released draft guidelines to clarify new greenwashing rules enacted in June. 这些规则要求公司证实环境索赔,确保至少两个国家以适当的测试和公认的方法为依据。 These rules require companies to substantiate environmental claims, ensuring they are based on adequate testing and recognized methodologies by at least two countries. 该局将使用词语的“通常含义”并寻求对准则的反馈,以解决企业之间的混乱。 The bureau will use the "ordinary meaning" of words and seek feedback on the guidelines to address confusion among businesses.