CRP Subsei赢得900万美元的合同,为RWE的Nordsee A类离岸风力项目提供96个电缆保护系统。 CRP Subsea wins $9m contract to supply 96 cable protection systems for RWE's Nordseecluster A offshore wind project.
AIS 的子公司 CRP Subsea 已获得 DeepOcean 价值数百万美元的合同,为 RWE 在德国北海的 Nordseecluster A 海上风电项目提供 96 个 NjordGuard 电缆保护系统。 CRP Subsea, a subsidiary of AIS, has been awarded a multi-million-dollar contract by DeepOcean to supply 96 NjordGuard cable protection systems for RWE's Nordseecluster A offshore wind project in the German North Sea. 这些系统将保护各区间电缆在安装和服务期间不受损坏。 These systems will safeguard inter-array cables from damage during installation and service. 制造业将在英格兰进行,交货时间定在2026年。 Manufacturing will occur in England, with deliveries set for 2026. Nordsee A组的建造定于2025年进行,预计到2027年初连接电网。 Construction of Nordseecluster A is slated for 2025, with grid connection expected by early 2027.