阿塞拜疆在冲突后的12个地区清除了400多枚地雷和未爆弹药。 Azerbaijan clears over 400 mines and unexploded ordnance in 12 regions post-conflict.
12月16日至12月22日,阿塞拜疆地雷行动局报告说,在最近解放的领土上发现并消除了26枚反坦克地雷、104枚杀伤人员地雷和304枚未爆弹药。 Between December 16 and December 22, Azerbaijan's Mine Action Agency (ANAMA) reported finding and neutralizing 26 anti-tank mines, 104 anti-personnel mines, and 304 unexploded ordnance in recently liberated territories. 在12个区域开展了行动,共清理770.7公顷土地。 Operations were conducted in 12 regions, clearing a total of 770.7 hectares of land. 所涉组织包括国家禁毒局、国防部、紧急情况部、国家边防局和4个私营公司。 Organizations involved included ANAMA, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the State Border Service, and four private companies.