阿塞拜疆内政部在7月27日至8月2日期间,在解放区发现了大量武器藏匿处。 Azerbaijan's Interior Ministry discovered large weapons cache in liberated territories between July 27 and August 2.
阿塞拜疆内政部透露,7月27日至8月2日,在最近解放的领土上发现了大量藏匿的武器和弹药。 Azerbaijan's Interior Ministry revealed the discovery of a large cache of weapons and ammunition in recently liberated territories between July 27 and August 2. 缴获的物品包括60件自动武器、3挺机关枪、21支手枪、29支步枪和125枚手榴弹。 Among the seized items were 60 automatic weapons, 3 machine guns, 21 pistols, 29 rifles, and 125 grenades. 该部正在努力通过查明和消除战争遗留爆炸物和危险来源,将这些区域变为安全区,并努力清理武器和爆炸物。 The Ministry is working to turn these regions into safe zones by identifying and neutralizing war remnants and sources of danger, and their efforts include cleaning the area of weapons and explosives.