Adam LeBeau赢得了比赛, 在机场和乡村乡亲见面, 庆祝情感家庭圣诞节。 Adam LeBeau wins contest, meets country duo The Reklaws at airport, for emotional family Christmas.
Brantford的Adam LeBeau赢得了一场比赛, 允许加拿大乡村音乐Duo The Reklaws在亚马逊音乐巴士的多伦多机场接他来家庭团聚。 Adam LeBeau from Brantford won a contest, allowing Canadian country music duo The Reklaws to pick him up from Toronto airport in the Amazon Music Bus for a family reunion. 由于失去母亲,家庭面临一个充满挑战的一年,第一次圣诞节没有了母亲。 The family faced a challenging year due to the loss of their mother, making this their first Christmas without her. 令人惊奇的返校节特别有意义,因为他们用珍贵的175件圣诞展品庆祝。 The surprise homecoming was especially meaningful, as they celebrated with a cherished 175-piece Christmas display.