Actor Art Evans, 以"Die Hard 2"和"士兵的故事"的角色闻名, 于12月21日82时死亡。 Actor Art Evans, known for roles in "Die Hard 2" and "A Soldier's Story," died on Dec. 21 at 82.
Art Evans,82岁的演员,以他在“Die Hard 2”和“士兵的故事”中的角色而著称,在与糖尿病抗争后于12月21日去世。 Art Evans, the 82-year-old actor known for his roles in "Die Hard 2" and "A Soldier's Story," passed away on December 21 after battling diabetes. 埃文斯在 Frank Silvera 的 Theater of Being 开始了他的演艺生涯,在他 120 年的职业生涯中,他获得了 40 多部电影和电视作品。 Evans, who began his acting career at Frank Silvera's Theater of Being, had over 120 film and TV credits throughout his 40-year career. 他的角色包括电影 "克里斯廷" "恐怖之夜" 和"地铁" His roles included films like "Christine," "Fright Night," and "Metro." 他活在他的妻子贝比和他们的儿子奥戈达德的身边。 He is survived by his wife, Babe, and their son, Ogadae.