89 岁的资深演员特伦斯·比索尔因在《无敌浩克》、《天龙特攻队》和《星际迷航》中的角色而闻名,于 5 月 28 日去世。 89-year-old veteran actor Terrence Beasor, known for his roles in The Incredible Hulk, The A-Team, and Star Trek, passed away on May 28.
89 岁的资深角色和配音演员特伦斯·比索尔于 5 月 28 日在圣莫尼卡的家中去世。 89-year-old veteran character and voice-over actor Terrence Beasor passed away on May 28 at his home in Santa Monica. 在 40 年的职业生涯中,比索尔出演过许多电视剧,包括《绿巨人》、《美国最伟大的英雄》、《天龙特攻队》、《哈德卡斯尔和麦考密克》和《谋杀,她写道》。 Throughout his 40-year career, Beasor appeared in numerous TV shows including The Incredible Hulk, The Greatest American Hero, The A-Team, Hardcastle and McCormick, and Murder, She Wrote. 除了电视工作外,他还为多部《星际迷航》系列剧、视频游戏配音,并为电影和电视节目担任画外音播音。 In addition to his TV work, he also did voice work on several Star Trek series, video games, and offscreen announcing for films and TV shows.