西米德兰警方抓获两名嫌犯 与盗窃案有关的 被克隆的汽车 West Midlands police catch two suspects in stolen, cloned car linked to burglaries.
西米德兰兹郡警察交通部门在追捕一辆克隆和被盗的汽车后,在奥尔德伯里抓获了两名嫌疑人。 The West Midlands Police Traffic Unit caught two suspects in Oldbury after chasing a cloned and stolen car. 两人均与最近的入室盗窃案有关,其中一人有尚未执行的返回监狱的逮捕令。 Both individuals were linked to recent burglaries, and one had an outstanding warrant for returning to prison. ANPR拦截者最初发现该车辆,导致其追逐并最终逮捕嫌疑人。 ANPR Interceptors initially spotted the vehicle, leading to its pursuit and the eventual arrest of the suspects.