联合王国的《残疾工作方案》提供护理津贴,每月向残疾老年人提供至多434英镑。 The UK's DWP offers the Attendance Allowance, providing up to £434 monthly to disabled elderly individuals.
英国劳工和养老金部 (DWP) 提供了"护理津贴",每月提供高达434英的补助,帮助超过160万身心残疾的老年人,包括背部疼痛. The UK's Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) offers the Attendance Allowance, providing up to £434 monthly to over 1.6 million elderly people with severe physical or mental disabilities, including back pain. 免税福利从每周72.65英镑到108.55英镑不等,涵盖每日生活费用,不影响国家养恤金或福利上限。 The tax-free benefit, ranging from £72.65 to £108.55 per week, covers daily living costs and does not affect State Pension or the Benefit Cap. 它还可以增加养老金信贷和住房福利等其他福利。 It can also increase other benefits like Pension Credit and Housing Benefit. 申请可拨打DWP帮助热线。 Applications can be made by calling the DWP helpline.