英国外交大臣Lisa Patel严厉批评Keir Starmer的中国策略, 称其为“绝望”和短视。 UK Foreign Secretary Lisa Patel harshly criticizes Keir Starmer's China strategy, calling it "desperate" and short-sighted.
外交秘书Lisa Patel批评Keir Starmer对中国关系的态度是“绝望 ” , 认为他的策略缺乏长远眼光。 Foreign Secretary Lisa Patel criticized Keir Starmer's approach to China relations as "desperate," suggesting his strategy lacks long-term vision. 分歧凸显了英国政治领导层内部在如何处理与中国关系方面的持续紧张。 The disagreement highlights the ongoing tension within the UK's political leadership over how to handle relations with China.