两名武装人员在Lurgan抢劫一名持枪者,威胁一名工作人员,并偷窃现金和物品。 Two armed men robbed an off-licence in Lurgan, threatening a staff member and stealing cash and items.
星期六下午7时55分,两名身着黑衣的武装人员在北爱尔兰Lurgan抢劫了一枚执照,威胁一名工作人员,并偷窃现金和物品。 On Saturday at 7:55 pm, two armed men in dark clothing robbed an off-licence in Lurgan, Northern Ireland, threatening a staff member and stealing cash and items. 没有人员受伤的报告,但事件令人痛心。 No injuries were reported, but the incident was distressing. 警方正在进行调查,并正在寻找任何证人或有相关录像的证人,参考24年12月21日第1446号。 Police are investigating and are seeking any witnesses or those with relevant footage, referencing 1446 of 21/12/24.