新加坡在针对年终犯罪的长达一个月的反犯罪行动中逮捕了600多人。 Singapore arrests over 600 in month-long anti-crime operation targeting end-of-year offenses.
新加坡开展了大规模的打击犯罪行动,逮捕了因赌博、吸毒和开车喝酒等各种罪行而被拘留的1 800人中的600多人。 Singapore conducted a large-scale anti-crime operation, arresting over 600 individuals among 1,800 people detained for various offenses including gambling, drug abuse, and drinking while driving. 为期一个月的倡议涉及2 600多名军官和有针对性的年底犯罪活动。 The month-long initiative involved more than 2,600 officers and targeted end-of-year criminal activities. 当局扣押了各种物品并敦促公众保持警惕。 Authorities seized various items and urged public vigilance.