当选总统特朗普在选民支持不足50%和政党挫折的情况下,面临任务挑战。 President-elect Trump faces challenges to his mandate with voter support under 50% and party setbacks.
当选总统唐纳德·特朗普在准备就职时,其选举任务面临挑战。 President-elect Donald Trump is facing challenges to his electoral mandate as he prepares to take office. 尽管他声称拥有“大规模”授权,但他的胜利仅基于49.8%的选票。 Despite claiming a "massive" mandate, his victory was based on just 49.8% of the popular vote. 特朗普已经遇到来自他所属政党的挫折,包括拒绝他的一些内阁提名人选,以及难以推动政府筹资。 Trump has already faced setbacks from his own party, including the rejection of some of his cabinet nominees and difficulties in pushing through government funding. 这凸显了他在一个严格控制的共和党国会中影响力的局限性。 This highlights the limits of his influence within a narrowly controlled Republican Congress.