纽约长岛岸外的沉船 制造人工珊瑚礁 增加海洋生物和捕鱼量 New York sinks boats off Long Island to create artificial reefs, boosting marine life and fishing.
纽约州环境保护部正在长岛岸外下沉船只,以创造人造珊瑚礁,为海洋生物提供栖息地,支持当地捕鱼和娱乐活动。 The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is sinking boats off Long Island's shore to create artificial reefs, which provide habitats for marine life and support local fishing and recreation. 该方案成立于1962年,使用沉没的“Jana Marie”渔船等材料,现在包括长岛周围的16个珊瑚礁地点。 This program, established in 1962, uses materials like the sunken "Jana Marie" fishing vessel and now includes 16 reef sites around Long Island. 该倡议还作为道格·奥克兰大渔夫的纪念物。 The initiative also serves as a memorial for avid fisherman Doug Oakland.