利物浦居民的圣诞节中断了,因为房屋修理导致不安全的干腐状况。 Liverpool resident's Christmas disrupted as home repairs led to unsafe dry rot conditions.
利物浦的Tracy Atkins-Glover的圣诞节计划被打乱了,因为一个旨在修补她家里漏水的建筑项目导致严重干腐。 Tracy Atkins-Glover of Liverpool had her Christmas plans disrupted after a building project intended to fix a leak in her home led to a severe case of dry rot. 保险公司Covéa已指示她雇用一家建筑公司,但工作导致房屋变得不安全。 The insurance company, Covéa, had instructed her to hire a building firm, but the work caused the house to become unsafe. 现在,夫妻双方必须住在其保险提供的临时住所中,同时解决这些问题。 Now, the couple must live in temporary accommodation provided by their insurance while the issues are addressed.