利比亚报告说,2024年有2 460人死于公路,这是全球第二高,为每10万人34人。 Libya reported 2,460 road deaths in 2024, marking the second-highest global rate at 34 per 100,000.
据利比亚内政部Faisal Barnus称,2024年,利比亚报告了2 460人死于道路事故。 In 2024, Libya reported 2,460 deaths from road accidents, according to Faisal Barnus of the Libyan Ministry of Interior. 这相当于道路死亡率为每10万人34人,是全球第二高。 This equates to a road death rate of 34 per 100,000 people, the second highest globally. 巴努斯在科姆斯举行的第一次道路交通安全和医药国际论坛和展览会上披露了这一数据,目的是提高认识和改进道路安全法律。 Barnus disclosed this data at the First International Forum and Exhibition for Road Traffic Safety and Medicine in Khoms, aimed at raising awareness and improving road safety laws.