239名乌干达学童在9个多月的上课时间死于公路事故,促使警察发出道路安全呼吁。 239 Ugandan schoolchildren died in road accidents during school hours over nine months, prompting road safety calls from police.
在乌干达,在过去九个月中,有239名5至18岁的学童死于公路事故,主要是在接送学校和辍学期间。 In Uganda, 239 schoolchildren aged 5 to 18 have died in road accidents over the past nine months, primarily during school pick-ups and drop-offs. 随着新任期的开始,警察敦促家长、教师和汽车司机优先注意道路安全。 As the new term begins, police urge parents, teachers, and motorists to prioritize road safety. 该国每年面临约20 000起道路事故,造成2 000多人死亡。 The country faces about 20,000 road accidents yearly, resulting in over 2,000 deaths. 当局强调集体负责确保学生在公路上的安全。 Authorities emphasize collective responsibility for ensuring the safety of students on the roads.