伊朗使馆工作人员在大马士革袭击中丧生;伊朗要求追究责任。 Iranian embassy staff member killed in Damascus attack; Iran calls for accountability.
伊朗大使馆一名工作人员Seyyed Davoud Bitaraf于12月15日在大马士革被武装分子杀害。 An Iranian embassy staff member, Seyyed Davoud Bitaraf, was killed by militants in Damascus on December 15. 伊朗外交部发言人Esmaeil Baghaei呼吁叙利亚过渡政府查明和惩处肇事者。 Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Esmaeil Baghaei called for the Syrian transitional government to identify and punish the perpetrators. Baghaei还指出,重新开放伊朗大使馆是一个优先事项,但强调只有在安全条件得到满足后才会重新开放。 Baghaei also stated that reopening the Iranian embassy is a priority but emphasized that it will only occur once security conditions are met. 阿萨德政府倒台后,与Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham有关联的好战分子冲进大使馆,此后发动了这次袭击。 The attack came after militants affiliated with Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham stormed the embassy following the fall of Assad's government.