印度铁路公司的目标是在安全和现代化方面作出三倍的努力,宣布新的技术和奖项。 Indian Railways aims to triple efforts in safety and modernization, announcing new tech and awards.
印度铁路部长Ashwini Vaishnaw强调,需要在安全、维护、质量和培训方面作出三重努力,使基础设施现代化,提高旅客经验。 Indian Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw emphasized the need to triple efforts in safety, maintenance, quality, and training to modernize infrastructure and enhance passenger experience. 他强调了最近取得的进展,包括克什米尔至Kanyakumari铁路联线、东北连通和Kavach安全系统。 He highlighted recent progress, including the Kashmir to Kanyakumari rail link, North-East connectivity, and the Kavach safety system. Vaishnaw还宣布了一个新的超级App,并对工作文化的卓越表现给予财务奖励。 Vaishnaw also announced a new Super App and financial rewards for excellence in work culture. 在新德里举行的一个仪式上,有101名官员因其贡献获得奖赏。 At a ceremony in New Delhi, 101 officials were awarded for their contributions.