印度官员批评英迪拉·甘地的宪法修正案, 但国会议员强调该修正案的持久影响。 Indian officials criticize Indira Gandhi's constitutional amendment, but a congress MP highlights its lasting impacts.
印度总理莫迪(Narendra Modi)和他的同事批评英迪拉·甘地(Indira Gandhi)的《宪法第42次修正案》。 Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his colleagues criticized Indira Gandhi's 42nd Amendment to the Constitution. 然而,国会议员Jairam Ramesh指出,甘地和其他国会议员后来投票赞成第44项修正案,该修正案删除了第42项修正案的若干条款。 However, Congress MP Jairam Ramesh pointed out that Gandhi, along with other Congress MPs, later voted in favor of the 44th Amendment, which removed several provisions from the 42nd Amendment. Ramesh还指出,第42次修正案的许多条款,包括序言中的“社会主义”和“世俗”等术语,近50年来一直是《宪法》不可分割的组成部分。 Ramesh also noted that many of the 42nd Amendment's provisions, including the terms "socialist" and "secular" in the Preamble, have remained integral to the Constitution for nearly 50 years.