印度国防部长批评国会对宪法遗产的批评, Indian Defense Minister criticizes Congress over Constitution's legacy, amid claims of BJP's secular intentions.
在纪念印度《宪法》75周年的一次辩论中,国防部长Rajnath Singh批评国会党试图将《宪法》称为自己的立宪,认为它代表所有公民的意愿。 During a debate marking the 75th anniversary of India's Constitution, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh criticized the Congress party for trying to claim the Constitution as its own creation, arguing it represents the will of all citizens. Singh强调了《宪法》在印度治理和团结中的作用。 Singh highlighted the Constitution's role in India's governance and unity. 国会领袖帕旺班萨尔(Pawan Bansal)反驳了印度人民党(BJP)想修改宪法, 推动印度民族主义议程, 强调印度必须保持世俗。 Congress leader Pawan Bansal countered, accusing the BJP of wanting to alter the Constitution to promote a Hindu nationalist agenda, stressing the need for India to remain secular.