印度在 " 国家消费者日 " 上推出打击欺骗性电子商务做法的应用程序。 India launches apps to combat deceptive e-commerce practices on National Consumers Day.
印度消费者事务部将在12月24日国家消费者日推出三个应用程序,以保护消费者在电子商务中免受欺骗性的设计做法。 The Indian Department of Consumer Affairs is launching three apps on National Consumers Day, December 24, to protect consumers from deceptive design practices in e-commerce. “Jago Grahak Jago App”和“Jagriti App”将帮助消费者识别和报告一些黑暗模式, The 'Jago Grahak Jago App' and 'Jagriti App' will help consumers identify and report instances of dark patterns, such as misleading advertisements. “Jagriti Dashboard”将生成实时报告,供中央消费者保护局监测和规范这些做法。 The 'Jagriti Dashboard' will generate real-time reports for the Central Consumer Protection Authority to monitor and regulate these practices. 这一倡议旨在建立一个透明和公平的数字市场。 This initiative aims to create a transparent and fair digital marketplace.