印度打算与美国、俄罗斯和中国一道,利用SpaDeX号飞行任务发射空间对接技术进行空间对接。 India aims to join the US, Russia, and China in space docking tech with its SpaDeX mission launch.
印度印度空间研究组织准备在PSLV-C60上发射SpaDeX飞行任务,目的是成为第四个展示空间对接技术的国家。 India's ISRO is set to launch the SpaDeX mission on PSLV-C60, aiming to become the fourth country to demonstrate space docking technology. 这次飞行任务涉及两个小型航天器,即SDX01和SDX02,它们将在低地球轨道上对接和拆卸,展示未来月球飞行任务和建造印度空间站的基本技能。 The mission involves two small spacecraft, SDX01 and SDX02, which will dock and undock in low-Earth orbit, showcasing essential skills for future lunar missions and the construction of the Indian space station. 发射窗口时间为12月30日至1月13日。 The launch window is from December 30 to January 13. 如果成功,印度将与美国、俄罗斯和中国一起拥有这一能力。 If successful, India will join the US, Russia, and China in possessing this capability.