伊利诺伊州官员为了政府的效率探索AI,面对有关监管和工作影响的辩论。 Illinois officials explore AI for government efficiency, facing debates on regulation and job impacts.
在伊利诺伊州数字政府峰会上,官员们讨论了使用AI提高政府效率和可能降低税收的问题。 At Illinois' Digital Government Summit, officials discussed using AI to boost government efficiency and potentially reduce taxes. 虽然人工智能可以简化运营并预测立法影响,但基础设施的重大升级和失业问题带来了挑战. While AI could streamline operations and predict legislative impacts, significant infrastructure upgrades and job loss concerns pose challenges. 人工智能在政府中的未来使用仍然不确定,关于其监管和对公共服务的影响的辩论仍在进行中. The future use of AI in government remains uncertain, with debates ongoing about its regulation and impact on public services.