前Amazon Exec Adam Broda在文章中赞扬印度同事长时间工作, 引发关于工作与生活平衡的辩论。 Former Amazon exec Adam Broda's post praising long work hours of Indian colleagues sparked debate on work-life balance.
亚马逊前执行官Adam Broda的LinkedIn在赞扬印度同事长时间工作时间后引发了辩论。 Former Amazon executive Adam Broda's LinkedIn post praising the long work hours of his Indian colleagues sparked debate. Broda强调他们的献身精神,但也对工作与生活的平衡以及不同时区雇员的福利表示关切。 Broda highlighted their dedication but also raised concerns about work-life balance and the well-being of employees in different time zones. 导致社会媒体讨论此类工作文化对个人健康的影响以及全球公司需要改善时区管理。 The post went viral, leading to discussions on social media about the impacts of such work cultures on personal health and the need for better time zone management by global companies.