国会议员Gaurav Gogoi批评Infosys创始人支持长工时, 强调女性面临的挑战。 MP Gaurav Gogoi criticizes Infosys founder's support for long work hours, highlighting challenges for women.
国会议员Gaurav Gogoi批评Infosys共同创始人Narayana Murthy对工作与生活平衡的立场, Congress MP Gaurav Gogoi has criticized Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy's stance on work-life balance, arguing against Murthy's support for long work hours. Gogoi强调妇女在兼顾工作和个人生活方面面临的独特挑战,呼吁在家庭和工作场所更公平地分担责任。 Gogoi emphasizes the unique challenges women face in balancing work and personal life, calling for a more equitable sharing of responsibilities at home and in the workplace. 这次辩论是在Murthy在CNBC峰会上主张每周工作70小时之后举行的,它引发了对此类工作要求对印度性别角色和个人福祉的影响的讨论。 This debate comes after Murthy advocated for a 70-hour workweek at a CNBC summit, sparking discussions on the implications of such work demands on gender roles and personal well-being in India.