Erik Solheim赞扬印度为减少贫困和迈向净零未来的清洁能源政策。 Erik Solheim commends India's clean energy policies for reducing poverty and moving toward a net-zero future.
挪威前部长埃里克·索尔海姆(Erik Solheim)赞扬印度总理莫迪(Narendra Modi)领导下的清洁能源政策, Former Norwegian Minister Erik Solheim praised India's clean energy policies under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, noting they help reduce poverty and move toward a net-zero goal. 印度今年已大幅降低贫困率,将可再生能源能力提高15个全球水力发电站,目标是到2030年实现500个全球水力发电站。 India has significantly lowered its poverty rate and increased its renewable energy capacity by 15 GW this year, aiming for 500 GW by 2030. Solheim认为这些政策将创造经济机会和减少碳排放。 Solheim believes these policies will create economic opportunities and reduce carbon emissions.