尽管捐款下降了10%,但Kelowna福音传教团为近1 000人提供了节日膳食。 Despite a 10% drop in donations, Kelowna Gospel Mission served holiday meals to nearly 1,000 people.
12月21日, Kelowna福音传教团(KGM)为200至250名避难所居民及700人共提供假日膳食, On December 21, the Kelowna Gospel Mission (KGM) served holiday meals to 200-250 shelter residents and up to 700 people in total, including the unsheltered, despite facing a 10% drop in donations due to the postal strike. 社区作出了回应,提供更多的支助,包括粮食和冬季用品。 The community has responded with additional support, including food and winter supplies. KGM计划通过圣诞节继续提供膳食和支持。 KGM plans to continue providing meals and support through Christmas Day.