苹果公司计划用iOS 19将iPhones更新至2018年的iPhones, 但一些旧的iPad将排除在外。 Apple plans to update iPhones back to 2018 models with iOS 19, but some older iPads will be excluded.
French iPhoneSoft网站iPhoneSoft报告, 所有与iOS 18兼容的iPhone 也将于明年9月收到iOS 19, 包括2018 iPhone XR 旧型号。 French website iPhoneSoft reports that all iPhones compatible with iOS 18 will also receive iOS 19 next September, including models as old as the 2018 iPhone XR. 然而,一些带有A10芯片或以上的旧iPad(iPad),如2019年和2017年iPad Pro的第7geniPad(iPad),不会得到iPadOS 19更新。 However, some older iPads with A10 chips or older, like the 7th gen iPad from 2019 and 2017 iPad Pro, won't get the iPadOS 19 update. 苹果公司计划在2025年6月的全球开发商会议上宣布更新。 Apple plans to announce the updates at its Worldwide Developer Conference in June 2025.