弗吉尼亚海滩Laskin路扩大工程 因土壤和公用设施问题推迟 接近150万美元完工 Virginia Beach's Laskin Road widening project, delayed by soil and utility issues, nears $150M completion.
Virginia Beach的拉斯金路扩大工程始于2017年, 由于土壤条件和公用设施冲突造成延误, The Laskin Road widening project in Virginia Beach, started in 2017, is nearly complete after facing delays due to soil conditions and utility conflicts. 最初预计为2023年提供1.5亿美元的项目,其中4 270万美元来自该市,承包商Allan Myers公司在11月前以150万美元的奖励金完成了西侧的工作。 Initially projected for 2023, the $150 million project, with $42.7 million from the city, saw the contractor, Allan Myers, Inc., finish work on the west side by November with a $1.5 million incentive. 剩余的任务包括桥梁更换、道路施工、照明和景观美化,预计到2025年春季完成。 Remaining tasks include bridge replacement, roadway work, lighting, and landscaping, with completion expected by spring 2025.