泰国军方调查了据称在精英军事学校治疗师虐待18名学生的指控。 Thai military investigates alleged abuse of 18 students by therapist at elite military school.
泰皇家武装部队正在调查关于10月至11月期间,Nakhon Nayok一精英军事学校一名物理治疗师虐待18名学生的指控。 The Royal Thai Armed Forces are investigating allegations that a physical therapist at an elite military school in Nakhon Nayok abused 18 students between October and November. 通过社交媒体报导揭露了这个案件,导致该治疗师被停职。 The case came to light through social media reports, leading to the therapist's suspension. 国防军首长下令进行为期七天的调查,学校向受害人提供支助。 The Chief of Defence Forces ordered a seven-day investigation, with the school offering support to the victims.