得克萨斯州最高法院允许执行Robert Roberson, 凌驾于立法传票之上。 Texas Supreme Court allows execution of Robert Roberson, overriding legislative subpoena.
得克萨斯州最高法院裁定 立法者不能使用立法传票 来阻止处决 推翻了先前的一项 暂时停止Robert Roberson注射死刑的决定 The Texas Supreme Court ruled that lawmakers cannot use a legislative subpoena to stop an execution, overturning a previous decision that had temporarily halted Robert Roberson's lethal injection. Roberson于2003年因谋杀其2岁女儿而被定罪,赢得了立法者和医学专家的两党支持,他们认为对他的定罪是基于错误的“婴儿死亡综合症”的证据。 Roberson, convicted in 2003 for the murder of his 2-year-old daughter, had gained bipartisan support from lawmakers and medical experts who argue his conviction was based on faulty evidence of "shaken baby" syndrome. 尽管尚未确定新的日期,但裁决允许处决他。 The ruling allows his execution to proceed, though no new date has been set.