威尔士王子和公主在诺福克农村启动了一项心理健康方案,以农业社区为对象。 The Prince and Princess of Wales launch a mental health program in rural Norfolk, targeting the farming community.
威尔士王子和公主正与诺福克和Waveney Mind合作,在西北诺福克州桑德林汉姆启动一项为期两年的心理健康试点方案。 The Prince and Princess of Wales are launching a two-year pilot mental health program in Sandringham, Northwest Norfolk, in collaboration with Norfolk and Waveney Mind. 该倡议旨在支持1 500名农村和农业社区成员,为雇主提供面对面的咨询、有针对性的会议和心理健康培训。 The initiative aims to support the 1,500 rural and farming community members, offering face-to-face counselling, targeted sessions, and mental health training for employers. 它定于2025年发射,可作为联合王国其他农村地区的示范。 Set to launch in 2025, it may serve as a model for other rural areas in the UK.