威廉王子强调纽波特妇女无家可归问题,这是他“返乡”项目的一部分。 Prince William highlights women's homelessness in Newport as part of his Homewards project.
威廉王子的“返乡”项目强调了威尔士新港妇女无家可归的问题。 Prince William's Homewards project highlighted issues of women's homelessness in Newport, Wales. 该倡议是联合王国全国6个举措之一,侧重于防止无家可归和支持处于多重不利处境的妇女。 The initiative, one of six across the UK, focuses on preventing homelessness and supporting women with multiple disadvantages. 威廉王子赞扬一名妇女克服了无家可归问题,并会见了致力于解决这一问题的地方组织。 Prince William praised a woman who overcame homelessness and met local organizations working to address the issue. 该项目旨在使无家可归现象变得罕见、短暂和没有重复,并计划早期干预和针对妇女的服务。 The project aims to make homelessness rare, brief, and unrepeated, with plans for early intervention and women-specific services.