俄亥俄州立法者通过法案, 将公告从报纸上转移到网上, Ohio lawmakers pass bill shifting public notices from newspapers to online, sparking transparency concerns.
俄亥俄州立法者通过了众议院第315号法案, 允许地方政府在自己的网站及社交媒体上发布公告, Ohio lawmakers passed House Bill 315, allowing local governments to post public notices on their websites and social media instead of in newspapers. 批评者说,此举会破坏透明度,使官员对公共信息有更大的控制权,有可能掩盖欺诈和滥用等问题。 Critics say this move undermines transparency and gives officials more control over public information, potentially hiding issues like fraud and abuse. 敦促总督Mike DeWine否决该法案,防止公众获得基本政府信息的渠道减少。 Governor Mike DeWine is urged to veto the bill to prevent reduced public access to essential government information.