东北威斯康星州首度大雪 引发了冬季活动 比如滑雪、雪橇和浴缸 Northeast Wisconsin's first major snowfall of the season has sparked winter activities like skiing, sledding, and tubing.
东北威斯康辛州第一次大雪 带来了冬季活动 比如滑雪、雪鞋、雪橇和浴缸 Northeast Wisconsin's first major snowfall of the season has brought winter activities like skiing, snowshoeing, sledding, and tubing. 布朗县 (Brown County) 为越野滑雪和雪鞋行走开辟了小径,而 Titletown 的 Ariens Hill 则使用天然和人造雪提供管道。 Brown County opened trails for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing, while Ariens Hill in Titletown provided tubing, using both natural and man-made snow. 三角运动区欢迎雪橇爱好者,但由于积雪不足,油管山仍然关闭。 Triangle Sports Area welcomed sledders, though the tubing hill remained closed due to insufficient snow.