新西兰废料回收利用和堆肥计划,由于缺乏公众咨询而遭到批评。 New Zealand scraps recycling and composting plans, facing criticism for lack of public consultation.
新西兰政府悄悄地废除了加强回收利用的计划,并引进了堆肥垃圾食品残渣,理由是理事会成本降低,灵活性提高。 The New Zealand government has quietly scrapped plans to enhance recycling and introduce kerbside food scraps composting, citing cost reduction for councils and increased flexibility. 这项决定是在没有公开通知的情况下作出的,因缺乏磋商和可能损害废物转移努力而遭到批评。 This decision, made without public notification, has faced criticism for lacking consultation and potentially harming waste diversion efforts. 政府将通过废物最小化基金继续支持这些倡议,尽管该基金的标准已经扩大。 The government will continue supporting these initiatives through the Waste Minimisation Fund, though the fund's criteria have been broadened.