Naloxone作为Narcan或RiVive提供,现在是一种场外鼻腔喷雾,可以扭转阿片剂量过大的情况。 Naloxone, available as Narcan or RiVive, is now an over-the-counter nasal spray that can reverse opioid overdoses.
Naloxone是作为Narcan和RiVive出售的场外鼻涕喷剂,可以扭转阿片剂量过大的情况,包括芬太尼和海洛因,通过扭转其影响来挽救生命。 Naloxone, an over-the-counter nasal spray sold as Narcan and RiVive, can reverse opioid overdoses, including fentanyl and heroin, saving lives by reversing their effects. 纳洛在药店或在网上以30至45美元的价格每套, 两种应用器, 也可以通过卫生部门和社区团体免费获得. Available for $30-$45 per kit with two applicators at pharmacies or online, naloxone can also be obtained for free through health departments and community groups. Bonnie Milas博士是麻醉师,主张通过美国麻醉师学会加以利用,强调它是家庭和第一反应者的一个重要工具。 Dr. Bonnie Milas, an anesthesiologist, advocates for its use through the American Society of Anesthesiologists, emphasizing it as a crucial tool for families and first responders.