加利福尼亚州与 Amneal Pharmaceuticals 合作,以每包 24 美元的折扣价购买纳洛酮,免费分发给急救人员、大学和社区组织。 California partners with Amneal Pharmaceuticals to purchase discounted naloxone at $24/pack for free distribution to first responders, universities, and community organizations.
加利福尼亚州与 Amneal Pharmaceuticals 合作,以 40% 的折扣价(每包 24 美元)购买阿片类药物过量逆转药物纳洛酮的仿制药。 California partners with Amneal Pharmaceuticals to purchase a generic version of naloxone, an opioid overdose reversal drug, at a 40% discounted rate of $24 per pack. 该州计划通过其纳洛酮分发项目免费向急救人员、大学和社区组织分发这些药物包。 The state plans to distribute the packs for free to first responders, universities, and community organizations through its Naloxone Distribution Project. 这项举措旨在增加人们获得救命药物的机会,并预防阿片类药物相关的死亡,此类死亡在加利福尼亚州已大幅增加。 This initiative aims to increase access to the life-saving medication and prevent opioid-related deaths, which have risen significantly in California.