密歇根州AG警告度假宠物领养骗局,敦促消费者研究和谨慎。 Michigan AG warns of holiday pet adoption scams, urging consumers to research and be cautious.
密歇根州总检察长Dana Nessel警告说, 在节日期间, 宠物领养骗局不断上升, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel warns of rising pet adoption scams during the holiday season, where scammers sell non-existent or unhealthy pets with fake records. 垃圾邮件包括假育种者、欺骗性宠物商店和网上欺诈,经常使用被盗照片并要求支付无法追踪的付款。 Scams include fake breeders, deceptive pet stores, and online fraud, often using stolen photos and demanding untraceable payments. 消费者应进行彻底研究,使用信用卡,并考虑从当地庇护所取用。 Consumers should research thoroughly, use credit cards, and consider adopting from local shelters instead.