传奇的 lucha libre 摔跤手 Rey Misterio Sr. 去世,享年 66 岁,结束了长达数十年的职业生涯。 Legendary lucha libre wrestler Rey Misterio Sr. died at 66, ending a career spanning decades.
Wrestler Rey Misterio Sr.,以其自由卢查风格著称,于66岁去世。 Wrestler Rey Misterio Sr., known for his lucha libre style, has passed away at 66. 生于Miguel Ángel López Días, 从1976年到去年他在墨西哥有很长的职业生涯。 Born Miguel Ángel López Días, he had a long career in Mexico from 1976 until last year. 他是包括他的侄子在内的许多人的导师,他的侄子WWWE明星Rey Mysterio Jr. Morrio Sr. 赢得了多个锦标赛,并获得Lucha Libre AAA的荣誉。 He was a mentor to many, including his nephew, WWE star Rey Mysterio Jr. Misterio Sr. won multiple championships and was honored by Lucha Libre AAA. 他的家人宣布他的去世,注意到他近几个月来的健康斗争。 His family announced his passing, noting his health battles in recent months.