AEW摔跤手Rey Fenix从摔跤中休息一下,把重点放在个人项目和家庭上。 AEW wrestler Rey Fenix takes a break from wrestling to focus on personal projects and family.
AEW摔跤手Rey Fenix说,他仍然与公司签有合同,但从摔跤中抽出时间专注个人项目和家庭。 Rey Fenix, an AEW wrestler, shared that he is still under contract with the company but has taken time away from wrestling to focus on personal projects and family. 在这次休息期间,Fenix努力购买房子,改善关系,同时与他的兄弟管理他的卢查共和国商店。 During this break, Fenix has worked on buying a house and improving his relationships, while also managing his Republic of Lucha store with his brother. 他仍然对重返摔跤业充满希望,并承认他和他兄弟在该行业中产生的影响。 He remains hopeful about his return to wrestling and acknowledges the impact he and his brother have made in the industry.